Echo Theatre is always cooking something up, collaborating with cool partners, or just playing around with different mediums! Find out about our past- present- future projects here
Beading on the Land
A fun project with Theatre Cercle Moliere for Culture Days MB and Nuit Blanche. Beading on The Land takes Metis beading to a large scale with colourful lantern "beads". I sewed these beads using an LED "needle" into the snowfence hung on a tree in the beautiful greenspace at Cercle Moliere.

Doorbell Shakespeare
Created for 2021 Winnipeg Theatre Awards. A light and fun look at how adaptable Shakespeare, and people are, to modern times and pandemics.
Deep Bay residency through the generous support of the Manitoba Arts Council. The Hunt is a district wide theatre scavenger hunt where the audience hunts to find the story they want to gather. Multiple artistic disciplines will be employed to stretch the stage over streets, heritage buildings, architectural topography and businesses to pull, entice, invite, and peak the curiosity of audiences following and seeking out the play. This residency will help Echo Theatre's Artistic Producer and Creator sketch out the logistics in the hope of making the project a reality.